$139 New Patient Special

The Benefits of Same-Day Crowns

February 19, 2020

Discover the unique advantages of getting CEREC crowns over traditional crowns. 

If you’re dealing with a damaged tooth the best restorative option will most likely be a dental crown. Of course, when people think about getting a dental crown they often think it’s a rather time-consuming process. Not anymore. Right here in Ponte Vedra, FL, our dentist, Dr. Eric Broe, places CEREC or same-day crowns to restore smiles faster than ever before.

Here are some benefits that getting same-day crowns can offer your damaged smile:

Saves You Time 

With traditional crowns, a dentist has to turn to an outside lab to create the restoration. This can take weeks. This means that you would need to come into our office to prepare the tooth and take impressions, and then weeks later you would have to come back into our office so that Dr. Broe could fit and place the crown.

With same-day crowns we remove the middleman (aka: the dental lab), which saves you lots of time. Since we can create CEREC crowns right here this means that you don’t have to wait weeks for a permanent crown. You can restore your tooth in just one trip to our office.

Say Goodbye to Temporary Crowns 

When you had to wait for a dental lab to make your custom crown this also meant that you had to wear a temporary crown over the tooth to protect it in the meantime. Unfortunately, temporary crowns aren’t as durable and aren’t custom-made to fit your mouth, so they don’t look as natural or feel nearly as comfortable as a permanent crown. With same-day crowns you never have to worry about temporaries ever again.

Quick Digital Impressions, No Molds 

Same-day crowns use some pretty impressive technology, which allows our dental team to be able to design and make your crown right here in our Ponte Vedra, FL, office. Digital mapping allows us to be able to take measurements of your tooth without ever having to use that awkward dental putty. The putty isn’t the most pleasant experience and you have to hold it in your mouth so it sets. With CEREC technology, we can take exact impressions of your teeth without ever needing to use putty.

A Perfect Fit, Every Time 

This precise technology allows us to take very exact measurements of your tooth. This ensures that you get a crown that offers the very best fit possible. Same-day crowns are designed not just to be incredibly durable and fully functional but also to look just like a real tooth. The porcelain block that we use to carve out your crown will first be matched to your tooth to ensure that it blends in with the rest of your smile.

Want to find out if same-day crowns are right for you? If so, schedule a consultation with your dentist, Dr. Eric Broe, at Palm Leaf Dental in Ponte Vedra, FL, today by calling (904) 810-5702. We would be happy to sit down with you and discuss your treatment options for a healthier, stronger smile.