$139 New Patient Special

Visiting Your Dentist Twice a Year

January 11, 2021

For some people, seeing their dentist could be hard to fit into their busy schedules until such time that they experience a dental emergency. But the American Dental Association strongly recommends seeing your dentist a minimum of two times every year.

Here at Palm Leaf Dental, checkups in our Ponte Vedra, FL, office with your dentist Dr. Eric Broe include professional teeth cleaning and thorough oral health exams. But do you really need to visit your dentist twice a year?

Yes—You Really Need to See Your Dentist at Least Twice a Year

How often you must visit your dentist will mainly depend on the state of your gums, teeth, and how well or not you maintain proper oral care habits at home. Ultimately, the goal is to see your dentist often enough to prevent dental problems. Problems such as gum disease and cavities could both result in pain and even tooth loss.

Visiting your dentist in Ponte Vedra, FL can help prevent these issues altogether or stop them from progressing. With this in mind, seeing your dentist at least two times every year would be a safe bet for most people. This way, any negative changes in your oral health could be detected early and treated more easily than if you let a problem fester.

The Thing with Plaque

Plaque, a harmful film of bacteria, constantly forms on the gums and teeth. It’s a colorless and sticky substance that could wear down the teeth enamel and lead to cavities. Failing to efficiently remove plaque often can result in its hardening and transforming into tartar, which causes gum disease and can only be removed with professional cleaning.

No amount of brushing and flossing can remove tartar. Think of it as barnacles stuck to the bottom and sides of a ship that requires power washing to ensure proper and complete removal. Beyond that, vising your dentist at the recommended schedule could likewise help keep your overall health in check.

Early warning signs of different health issues such as anemia or diabetes often manifest in the mouth. So if your dentist detects something out of the ordinary, he can inform you and recommend a specialist to address your health issues.

Reach Out to Us To Learn More About What Happens During Routine Dental Checkups

Set an appointment here at Palm Leaf Dental in Ponte Vedra, FL, with your dentist Dr. Eric Broe, by dialing (904) 810-5702.